Masterpro Nivo Slider 3.xMasterpro Nivo Slider 3.xMasterpro Nivo Slider 3.xMasterpro Nivo Slider 3.xMasterpro Nivo Slider 3.x

See guy from Kennett Square who likes looking at stars. And planets. And nebulae. And galaxies. And star clusters. And double stars. Owner of a few binoculars, an Orion XT8, and a couple-o-Televues. (TV76 and NP101). Yes, I have become a Televue fan. Same with eyepieces. (31 Nagler, 24 Pan, 13 Nagler, 7 Nagler, 2.5x Powermate, plus a few non-TV's). I'm a push-to alt-az visual guy who hasn't had the desire to do AP, but never say never.