Click the arrow to filter calendars or to get links to download the events in the calendars to your computer. If you would like to subscribe to these calendars on your computer, smartphone or tablet using a program like Outlook or iCal, please click the Subscribe buttons. If instead you use Google Calendars for your personal calendars and want to subscribe in google calendars instead, please click the "add to google calendar" buttons below:
DAS Events: Events hosted by the DAS. (To Subscribe: click or
Other Astronomy Events: Star Parties and other events relevant to astronomy. (To Subscribe: click or
DAS Meetings: Our club meetings, speakers and relevant details. (To Subscribe: click or
SIG Meetings: Meetings of the AP Sig or ATM Sig groups. (To Subscribe: click or
DAS Book Club: Meetings of the DAS Book Club. (To Subscribe: click or
Astro Events: Significant Astronomical Events. (Note: This is a subscribed calendar from this website courtesy of Canton Becker)