The Delaware Astronomical Society meets to observe, photograph, and share the night sky at several different locations both near and far. Some are close enough to have a impromptu observing session or public outreach event. Others are further away, but are much darker sites. Below you will find a series of articles describing each location, giving its weather information for the next couple of days, a map showing how to get there, and most importantly, instructions on when the facility will be open and the procedures for you to come to observe.
A word of caution to everyone: Use common sense when planning to observe at dark sites. NEVER go alone. Use reasonable precautions as you are in areas where animals or other members of the public may wander onto your observing site. Being on a field in the dark has its own natural risks. Delaware Astronomical Society does not own or regulate these observing locations and is not responsible or liable for accidents or misbehavior that might occur at these locations. You assume all risks.