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Delaware Astronomical Society Book Club

  The Delaware Astronomical Society Book Club meets monthly via ZOOM. Guests are welcome. ZOOM Links are emailed in advance of the meeting. To join the DAS Book Club or attend a meeting, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


If you would like to automatically add these events to
your calendar please see the DAS Calendar.



Next Up

Sunday, March 30

How the Stars Made Us (and Who We Would Be Without Them)

by Roberto Trotta

Meeting details below:













Ashley J. Yeager

Clare Higgs

Ardis Herrold

Thursday, January 30, 2025
7 PM Eastern Time
Via Zoom

Bright Galaxies, Dark Matter, and Beyond: The Life of Astronomer Vera Rubin
by Ashley J. Yeager

Ashley Yeager will join us for our discussion and help us celebrate the long awaited first light at the Vera Rubin Observatory expected in 2025.

Astronomer and Data Scientist, Clare Higgs PhD, will deliver a talk about the Vera Rubin Observatory.

Ardis Herrold, Education Specialist for the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST), will also join us for our discussion.

The meeting will be led by AAA-NY and DAS Members, Beatrice Schwarz and Andy Finkel.

Members of the AAA-NY are invited to attend the meeting.



Kelly Tyrrell
and James Lattis

Thursday, February 27, 2025


Chasing the Stars: How the Astronomers of Observatory Hill Transformed Our Understanding of the Universe
by James Lattis and Kelly Tyrrell

James Lattis PhD, Director of the UW Space Place, and Kelly Tyrrell will be joining us from Wisconsin. They will give a presentation about the storied history of the Washburn Observatory and their book.


Members of the Madison Astronomical Society will join us in this, the 90th year since their Society was founded in 1935.

Guests will include science journalist, Trudy Bell, journalist and science historian, Phil Shoemaker PhD, and astronomer and science historian, John Briggs.

And music to accompany your reading: It's Dark on Observatory Hill"  written for the Irving Berlin Publishing Company in 1934 by lyricist and former student, Johnny Burke, and composer, Harold Spina.”




Dr. Roberto Trotta

Sunday, March 30, 2025

How the Stars Made Us (and Who We Would Be Without Them)

by Roberto Trotta

Dr. RobertoTrotta will join us from London for our meeting.


Greg McNiff, DAS and AAA-NY member, will lead our discussion.


Members of the Amateur Astronomers of New York will  join us for our discussion.



Seb Falk

Thursday, April 24, 2025

The Light Ages: The Surprising Story of Medieval Science
by Seb Falk


Winner of the American Astronomical Society's
Donald E. Osterbrock Book Award for 2025


Seb Falk will join us via Zoom from England for the meeting.


Greg McNiff, DAS and AAA-NY board member, will lead the meeting.



Paul Bogard

Thursday, May 29, 2025

The End of Night: Searching for Natural Darkness
in an Age of Artificial Light
by Paul Bogard

Paul Bogard will join us for our meeting.


Professor Diane Turnshek, Special Lecturer from Carnegie Mellon University, will lead our discussion.



Thursday, June 26, 2025

The Royal Observatory, Greenwich
A Glance At Its History And Work

by E. Walter Maunder

Celebration of the 350th anniversary of the
founding of Greenwich Observatory with the members of the Flamsteed Astronomy Society in Greenwich is being planned.



Anna Von Mertens

Thursday, July 31, 2025


Attention Is Discovery
The Life and Legacy of Astronomer Henrietta Leavitt

by Anna Von Mertens

A portrait of trailblazing astronomer Henrietta Leavitt and an illustrated exploration of the power of attention in scientific observation, artistic creation, and the making of meaning.

Anna Van Mertens will be joining us for our discussion.

DAS Member, Matt Bobrowsky, will lead the discussion.



Jim Bell PhD


Thursday, August 28, 2025

The Interstellar Age: Inside the Forty-Year Voyager Mission
by Jim Bell

Jim Bell will join us for our meeting.

DAS Member, Dave Hunter, will lead the discussion.




Karen Masters PhD

Sarah Horowitz, Curator

Thursday, September 25, 2025


The Astronomers' Library

by Karen Masters PhD of Haverford College


Professor Masters will join us for our meeting.

Sarah Horowitz, Curator of Rare Books & Manuscripts
at Haverford College Libraries, will also join us
to discuss copies of astronomy texts in the college's collection.


Haverford, Swarthmore, and Bryn Mar College students are invited to attend the meeting.


DAS Book Club Member, Brad Wolvin, will lead our meeing.


Marcia Bartusiak


Thursday, October 30, 2025

Black Hole: How an Idea Abandoned by Newtonians, Hated by Einstein, and Gambled On by Hawking Became Loved 

By Marcia Bartusiak

Marcia Bartusiak will join us for our meeting.

David Ives Brown, Rittenhouse Astronomical Society member, will lead our meeting.



W. Patrick McCray PhD

Thursday, November 20, 2025

Keep Watching the Skies!
The Story of Operation Moonwatch
& The Dawn Of The Space Age

by W. Patrick McCray PhD


UCSB History of Technology and Science Professor W. Patrick McCray will join us for our discussion.

David Ives Brown, DAS Book Club and Rittenhouse Society member, will discuss his Moonwatch telescope-made by the US Navy for the Smithsonian's program.


The Moonwatch Program was the catalyst for the founding of the Delaware Astronomical Society.

Operation Moonwatch: Citizen Science at the Dawn of the Space Age-a presentation delivered by Richard Sanderson at Stellafane in 2022

The meeting will be led by Dave Groski, DAS At Large Board Member and Chairman of the Board of the MT Cuba Observatory.




Kristine Larsen

Thursday, December 18, 2025

Rayed Arcs and the ‘Rory Bory Aylis’: Primary World Aurorae
by Kristine Larsen 
Tolkien’s 'Father Christmas Letters 
Professor Kristine Larsen will join us for our meeting.
Dr. Larsen is an astronomer who teaches at Central Connecticut State University and serves as the editor of the Astronomical League’s Reflector. She regularly presents and writes about the works of J.R.R. Tolkien.
DAS, CCAS, and MERAL President, Don Knab will lead our meeting.





Thursday, January 29, 2026
7 PM Eastern Time
Via Zoom

Vector: A Surprising Story of Space, Time, and Mathematical Transformation


Robin Arianrhod



Robin Arianrhod PhD will join us for our discussion.

Greg McNiff will lead the meeting.









Trudy E Bell

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Ormsby Macknight Mitchel, Astronomer and
General: A Biographical Narrative (1887)

By Frederick Augustus Mitchel

Referred to as Old Stars, Ormsby Macknight Mitchel (1809-1862) was a Civil War General, Surveyor, and Astronomer who published the Sidereal Messenger, first astronomy magazine in the United States.

Philip S. Shoemaker PhD, author of the thesis, Ormsby Macknight Mitchel and Astronomy in Antebellum America, will be joining us.

Trudy E. Bell, contributing editor for Sky & Telescope and a member of the editorial advisory board for Springer’s Historical & Cultural Astronomy book series, will also be joining us.


Available in free PDF format


DAS Member, Brad Wolvin, will lead the meeting



Barbara J. Becker

Thursday, February 29, 2024

How William Huggins Shaped Astrophysics
by Barbara J. Becker

Celebrating the bicentenary of the birth of
English astronomer William Huggins (1824–1910),
best known for his pioneering work in
astronomical spectroscopy
together with his wife, Margaret

50 Monuments in 50 Voices:
Monument to William and Margaret Huggins

by Barbara Becker PhD


Jim Barkley will lead the meeting.


 Dr Barbara J. Becker will join us


How William Huggins
Shaped Astrophysics
(pdf copy)
Diane McDevitt, the granddaughter of Philip Frances Nowlan

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Amazing Stories - ARMAGEDDON -2419 A.D. 
by Philip Francis Nowlan

We will be discussing Armageddon - 2419 A.D, the novella, which introduces the character, Buck Rogers, in the August 1928 issue of Amazing Stories.

Nowlan's granddaughter, Diane McDevitt, will be joining us to discuss her grandfather's life, work, and his iconic character.

Matt Bobrowsky and Marie Breton Bobrowsky, DAS Members, will lead the discussion.

Local artist, Matthew Borgen, hopes to attend the meeting.

The novella is available to borrow at



Peter Bellerby

Thursday, April 25, 2024

The Globemakers: The Curious Story of an Ancient Craft
by Peter Bellerby


The author, Peter Bellerby, will be joining us for our discussion.

DAS Member, Gregory McNiff, will lead the meeting






Stefan Hughes


Nico Carver

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Catchers of the Light
by Stefan Hughes

The ‘Catchers of the Light’ tells the true stories of the men and women who first photographed the heavensTheir lives are ones full of adventure, adversity and triumph - which would test the abilities of even the best author or screenwriter to recreate as a work of fiction. Sadly their names are largely unknown and all but forgotten - confined now to the closed pages of history. Through the book you are about to read, they come alive once again.


Stefan Hughes will join us for our discussion

Nico Carver, DAS member and dedicated deep-sky astrophotographer (see his popular YouTube channel) will lead our discussion.


Members of the Delaware Photographic Society will join us for our discussion.

The Book is available at the author's web site.



Marcia Bartusiak

Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Day We Found the Universe
by Marcia Bartusiak

Professor Marcia Bartusiak will join us as we mark the 100th anniversary of Hubble's discovery of the Andromeda Galaxy.

David Ives Brown, DAS Book Club member and Rittenhouse Astronomical Society Board Member, will lead our discussion.

Available via the Delaware Libraries in book and e-audiobook formats.



Tamara Plakins Thornton

Thursday, July 25, 2024
7  PM

Nathaniel Bowditch and the Power of Numbers:
How a Nineteenth-Century Man of Business, Science,
and the Sea Changed American Life

by Tamara Plakins Thornton


Professor Tamara Plakins Thornton will join us

Professor Stefan Hughes will lead the discussion


The ebook is available via the Delaware Libraries.


Prof Chris Lintott | University of Oxford Department of Physics
Chris Lintott

Thursday, August 29, 2024
7  PM

Accidental Astronomy:
How Random Discoveries Shape the Science of Space

by Chris Lintott


Professor Lintott, Gresham College's 39th Professor of Astronomy and Professor of Astrophysics in Oxford University,  will join us for our discussion.


Accidental Astronomy by Chris Lintott | Hachette Book Group



Sarah Stewart Johnson | Penguin Random House
Sarah Stewart Johnson

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Big Listen--the  Opposition of Mars in 1924 and the efforts made by Todd and Jenkins to communicate with Mars.


The Sirens of Mars: Searching for Life on Another World

by Sarah Stewart Johnson


Professor Johnson will join us for our discussion.



Jim Kerschen PhD, DAS Board Member and Education and Outreach Chair, will lead the meeting.


The Sirens of Mars by Sarah Stewart Johnson: 9781101904831 | Books  

Rosyln Frank

Chief Dennis J. Coker
Chief Dennis J. Coker

Thursday, October 24, 2024

The Skylore of An Indigenous PeopleThe Case of the Performance Art and Traditional Beliefs of the Lenape Delaware (Algonquian) of the Northeastern Woodlands

by Professor Emeritus Roslyn Frank 

Professor Roslyn Frank will join our discussion.

Chief Dennis J. Coker and Citizens of the Lenape Indian Tribe of Delaware
will join us for our discussion.

DAS Member, Sheila Vincent, will lead the meeting. 



David DeVorkin
David Devorkin PhD


Kevin B. Marvel PhD

Thursday, November 21, 2024

The American Astronomical Society (AAS) is celebrating its 125th anniversary. To honor the occasion, we will discuss the history of the AAS.

We will discuss the AAS history posted on its web site in a series of 8 articles and essays

David Devorkin PhD, Emeritus Senior Curator, History of Astronomy and Space Sciences, at the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum,  will join us to discuss the early history of the AAS,


Kevin. B. Marvel PhD, Executive Officer for the American Astronomical Society, will join us to discuss the recent history of the AAS.

DAS and AAA-NY member, Greg McNiff, will lead our meeting.

Members of the AAS and AAA-NY are invited to attend.






 Ian Stewart

Karla Bloehm


Thursday, December 19, 2024

What an Owl Knows: The New Science of the World's Most Enigmatic Birds
by Jennifer Ackerman


 Ian Stewart, ornithologist with the
Delaware Nature Society (DNS), will join us to discuss the Ackerman book and Owls in Delaware.

Karla Bloehm, the Executive Director of the International Owl Center (IOC), will also join us to discuss the Ackerman book and her work at the IOC.


DAS member, Diana Metzger, will discuss her trips to the International Owl Center.


Members of the DNS and IOC and their guests are invited to join  us for our discussion.

DAS member and DNS Educator, Sheila Vincent, will lead the meeting.

Hedwig's Theme by John Williams








Sir Christoher Wren

Valerie Shrimplin


Thursday, January 26, 2023
2PM (ET)


Celebrate Wren | 300


Sir Christopher Wren: Architect-Astronomer
by Valerie Shrimplin

An essay from the book
Imagining Other Worlds: Explorations in Astronomy and Culture
Edited by Nicholas Campion & Chris Impey
Essays were originally gathered at the conference on the Inspiration of Astronomical Phenomena at London’s Gresham College in 2015

Professor Shrimplin shall be joining our discussion from London.
Dr Valerie Shrimplin is an Art Historian, Researcher and Author, who was awarded her PhD for her research entitled 'Sun Symbolism and Cosmology in Michelangelo's 'Last Judgment'.' She has subsequently produced a number of academic publications focusing on the influence of astronomy and cosmology on art and architecture, particularly of the Byzantine, medieval and Renaissance periods.




Professor Sarah Hall

Lukas Boser

David Aragai

Jean Bowe Strickland

Dr. Bethany Cobb Kung

Thursday, February 23, 2023
7  PM (ET)

What is a Philom? A Philom is the compiler of astronomical data

Almanacs and Philoms in 18th century Wilmington

Discussion of the first Delaware almanac, The Wilmington Almanack for 1762 by Thomas Fox, which was printed by Delaware's first printer and publisher, James Adams. Thomas Fox is the pseudonym of John Tobler, a Swiss emigre to the Carolinas who founded and served as the Astronomer Philomath of the Appenzeller Kalender, an almanac which is in its 302nd year of publication. The 1762 almanac is a historic document of interest to Delawareans and to the DAS and will continue to be an ongoing focus for the DAS Library in its mission to advance scientific knowledge.
 We are rich in a panel of guests and hope that DAS Members will join our discussion about Tobler or submit questions to the DAS Librarian in advance of the meeting.

  • David Aragai MA, archivist and historian, Switzerland
  • Professor Lukas Boser PhD, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
  • Professor Sarah Hall PhD, Berea College
  • Amanda Zimmerman, Rare Book Librarian from the Library of Congress
  • Jean Bowe Strickland, Tobler descendant and author of Five Fortune Tellers of New Windsor. Tobler, Zubly, Meyer, Sturzenegger, and Nail, Swiss Pioneer Families of South Carolina.
  • Dr. Bethany Cobb Kung, Associate Professor in Honors and Physics at the George Washington University and current Philom of the Old Farmer's Almanac founded in 1792.

The Library of Congress owns one of the few copies of the 1762 Wilmington Almanack and, Amanda Zimmerman, Rare Book librarian at the Library of Congress, has made the attached PDF copy available to members of the Delaware Astronomical Society to  facilitate our meeting and promote Tobler scholarship. Because the 18th century text can be challenging, the DAS Librarian has created a transcription of the text.
A transcription, in spreadsheet format, of the February almanac table has also been transcribed; Robert Stack is modelling the data using Stellarium software to check accuracy. We will discuss the Pennsylvania and Columbia Almanacs, if time permits.



The Wilmington Almanack 1762 

Pennsylvania Town and Country-Man's Almanack 1762

The Columbian Almanac





Stephen Kurczy

Thursday, March 30, 2023
7  PM (ET)

The Quiet Zone: Unraveling the Mystery of a Town Suspended in Silence
by Stephen Kurczy

The author, Stephen Kurczy, will be joining us for our discussion.

DAS Member, Jim Barkley, will lead the meeting


Professor Hal Poe

Professor John Jebb

Glen Moyer


Thursday, April 27, 2023
7  PM (ET)

Mellonta Tauta
by Edgar Allan Poe

Professor Hal Poe will be joining our discussion. Dr. Poe has written extensively about Poe and the universe, served on the Edgar Allan Poe Foundation and Museum of Richmond, and yes, is a relative of the legendary Edgar Allan Poe.

University of Delaware Professor John Jebb will also be joining our discussion.

Glen Moyer, Aviator and Editor of  Ballooning Magazine, will be joining us to provide his technical perspective on Poe's Pundit and balloons in the year 2848.


Story recommended by DAS Member, James Kauer, who hopes to join our discussion.

read it in
Tales of Edgar Allan Poe
(page 303)
available at the
Internet Archive
you will need a (free) account

Donald E. Osborn

Thursday, May 25, 2023
7  PM (ET)

With Stars in Their Eyes: The Extraordinary Lives and
Enduring Genius of Aden and Marjorie Meinel

by Alec M. Pridgeon and James B. Breckinridge

The authors, Alec M. Pridgeon and Donald E. Osborn, will be joining us for our discussion. Cynthia Osborn will also join us and share her experience working with the Meinels.

DAS Member, Robert Stack, will lead the meeting.

This book is available in EBook Format to
members of the Delaware Libraries


Donald Goldsmith


Thursday, June 29, 2023
7  PM (ET)

The End of Astronauts
Why Robots Are the Future of Exploration

by Donald Goldsmith and Martin Rees

Donald Goldsmith will be joining us for our discussion.

DAS and CCAS member, Chris Trunk, will lead the meeting


Listen to Donald Goldsmith and Martin Rees
discuss their book on
The Planetary Society's Planetary Radio.




Thursday, July 27, 2023
(note date change)
7  PM (ET)

July is for Sci Fi !

Dragon's Egg
by Robert L. Forward

DAS Member, Marie Breton, will lead the meeting


This book is available in eAudiobook Format to
members of the Delaware Libraries and available online at




Dave Groski

Thursday, August 31, 2023
7  PM (ET)

We will discuss a landmark article, the first of a series of articles
about the Springfield Telescope Makers, which appeared in the
November, 1925 issue of Scientific American:

The Heavens Declare the Glory of God -
How a Group of Enthusiasts Learned to Make Telescopes
and Became Amateur Astronomers (1925)

by Albert C. Ingalls
(link to article)

The Springfield Telescope Makers (STM) are an amateur astronomer and telescope maker's group headquartered at their Stellafane Clubhouse and observatory on Breezy Hill in Springfield, Vermont; they were founded by Russell W. Porter in 1923 and, so, are celebrating their centenary from August 17-20, 2023.

The DAS salutes the Springfield Telescope Makers and their mission to stimulate interest in astronomy and allied sciences by preserving and fostering the skill of amateur telescope making.


Dave Groski, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Mount Cuba Astronomical Observatory, will lead the meeting.

Members of the STM are invited to join the DAS Book Club
for our August Book Club meeting.


Stellafane Clubhouse and Porter Turret Telescope

Roderick J. Hill

Thursday, September 28, 2023
7  PM (ET)

Adventures of an Eclipse Chaser 
by Roderick J Hill


For 20 years Rod and Monica Hill have been chasing
eclipses all around the world. They will be joining us
for our discussion.


DAS Board Member, Jim Kerschen, will lead the meeting


Available in Ebook Kindle format via


The Astronomer
by Jan Vermeer


Thursday, November 2, 2023
7  PM (ET)

Eye of the Beholder:
Johannes Vermeer, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek,
and the Reinvention of Seeing

by Laura J. Snyder

Commemorate the tercentenary of the death of Antoni van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723) and the landmark 2023 exhibition of Jan Vermeer's work at the Rijksmuseum

Vermeer painted the legendary, The Astronomer. "Portrayals of scientists were a favourite topic in 17th-century Dutch painting and Vermeer's oeuvre includes both this astronomer and the slightly later The Geographer. Both are believed to portray the same man, possibly Antoni van Leeuwenhoek. A 2017 study indicated that the canvas for the two works came from the same bolt of material, confirming their close relationship."


DAS Member, Robert Stack, will lead the meeting


Available to members of the Delaware Libraries in eBook and eAudiobook format.


Robert Westman

Sarah Horowitz


November 30, 2023
7  PM (ET)

The esteemed Harvard professor and historian of astronomy,
Professor Owen Gingerich died on May 28th.

To honor his life and work, the Delaware Astronomical Society Book Club's November read is

The Book Nobody Read: Chasing the Revolutions of Nicolaus Copernicus
  by Owen Gingerich

  UC San Diego Emeritus Professor, Historian of Science, Robert Westman,
a renowned Copernicus scholar who collaborated
with Professor Gingerich, will join us.

Sarah Horowitz, Curator of Rare Books & Manuscripts
at Haverford College Libraries, will also join us
to discuss the Haverford College copy of De revolutionibus.

DAS member, Deepak Bhimalli, will lead the meeting.

The book is available to borrow via the
Delaware Libraries  and the Chester County Library System. The book may be available at



Alison Klesman

Thursday, December 14, 2023
7  PM (ET)

December Issue
Astronomy Magazine

Alison Klesman, Senior Editor of Astronomy Magazine, will be joining us for our discussion. This is the 50th year of the magazine, founded in 1973 by  the astronomy and journalism student, Stephen A. Walther.

50th anniversary: The origins of Astronomy magazine


DAS Board member, Bob Trebilcock, will lead the meeting


The magazine is available at the Mt Cuba Observatory Library.

first issue Aug 1973

50th anniversary Aug 2023




Meeting Archive





Jo Marchant

Thursday, January 27, 2022

The Human Cosmos: Civilization and the Stars
by Jo Marchant

Kathy Koons will lead the meeting

Jo Marchant will be joining us from the United Kingdom

Please note: To accommodate both Jo Marchant (GMT time zone) and book club members schedules there are two meetings: a 5PM discussion with the author, and a 7PM regular book discussion (sorry, Jo Marchant cannot attend the 7PM meeting).



David  Kaiser

Thursday, February 24, 2022

How The Hippies Saved Physics: Science, Counterculture, and the Quantum Revival
by David Kaiser

Beth Trebilcock will lead the meeting

Dave Kaiser will be joining us


Donovan Moore

Dr Cecilia Gaposchkin


Thursday,  March 31, 2022

What Stars Are Made Of: The Life of Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin
by Donovan Moore

Jim Kerschen will lead the meeting

Donovan Moore will join us and we will also be
joined by Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin’s granddaughter, Dr Cecilia Gaposchkin




Thursday,  April 28, 2022

The Apollo Murders
By Chris Hadfield, NASA astronaut

To commemorate  the 50th anniversary of Apollo Missions 16 and 17

Matt Bobrowsky will lead the meeting


Timothy Ferris

Thursday,  May 26, 2022

Seeing in the Dark: How Amateur Astronomers Are Discovering the Wonder
by Timothy Ferris

Professor Ferris will be joining us

Robert Stack will lead the meeting


John Brashear

Bart Fried

Thursday,  June 30, 2022

Autobiography of John Brashear

by John Brashear

Bart Fried of the Antique Telescope Society will lead
the meeting.
He is writing a biography of John Brashear
and is the leading expert in Brashear’s life and work.



Thursday, July 28 2022

A Memory Called Empire
by Arkady Martine

A 2020 winner of the sci-fi Hugo award

(read a review of the book)

(Arkady Martine Interview - YouTube)

Marie Breton will lead the meeting


Lynn King
as Caroline

Steve Ruskin

Titus Grenyer

Thursday,  August 25, 2022

Discoverers of the Universe, William and Caroline Herschel
by Michael Hoskin

William Herschel  biography to commemorate the 200th anniversary of his death

Lynn King, Caroline Herschel reenactor and DAS and Rittenhouse Astronomical Society member, will lead the meeting. Steve Ruskin (who joined us last year when we discussed his book America's First Great Eclipse) will also be joining us. Titus Grenyer, a young Australian organist and conductor, has also agreed to join us to discuss Herschel as a musician and play a bit of Herschel's music.


David Rooney

Thursday,  September 29, 2022
via ZOOM

About Time: A History of Civilization in Twelve Clocks
by David Rooney

David Rooney will be joining us via ZOOM from Greenwich, England
Jim Barkley will lead the meeting


Saturday,  October 1, 2022

Moon! Earth's Best Friend


Stacy MacAnulty

DAS, Children's Librarian, Amy Hornberger, will read the book aloud. Children will be invited to submit paintings and drawings of the Moon to the DAS for posting to an online gallery. Email  Miss Amy at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to receive the ZOOM link.


Nicholas de Monchaux

Thursday,  October 27, 2022

Spacesuit: Fashioning Apollo
by Nicholas de Monchaux

Nicholas de Monchaux is from MIT, where he serves as the head of the Architecture Department.

Chris Trunk of the Chester County Astronomical Society will lead the meeting.

Chris writes---

The book was published in 2011 and is an excellent read. The book covers a wide range of topics that influenced the creation of the Spacesuit. The included photos are very helpful and really bring the story to life. The book's author did an excellent job researching the subject, and he includes links to all the sources used.

The spacesuits that were manufactured (and are still being manufactured) are made by a Delaware corporation; ILC Dover. The seamstresses that made the Apollo moon spacesuits came from our region, SE PA and Delaware and worked for Playtex prior to being chosen to join the team that made the spacesuits.


Wednesday,  November 2, 2022
7:15 PM

A conversation with Nicholas de Monchaux
author of
Spacesuit: Fashioning Apollo

Nicholas could not make our regular meeting so he will be joining us via ZOOM from MIT in Cambridge where he serves as the head of the Architecture Department.





  Friday, November 11, 2022
7 PM - 7:30 PM

Margaret and the Moon: How Margaret Hamilton Saved the First Lunar Landing
by Dean Robbins

The Delaware Astronomical Society Library cordially invites Delaware Children and their families to attend a Free ZOOM reading event to celebrate the upcoming NASA Artemis Mission to the Moon

  With Artemis missions, NASA will land the first woman and first person of color on the Moon, using innovative technologies to explore more of the lunar surface than ever before. We will collaborate with commercial and international partners and establish the first long-term presence on the Moon. Then, we will use what we learn on and around the Moon to take the next giant leap: sending the first astronauts to Mars.

A DAS Children's Librarian will read the book aloud.

Children will be invited to submit paintings and drawings of the Moon to the DAS for posting to an online gallery.

Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to register and receive the ZOOM link





Professor Mark Walker PhD

Margrethe Bohr and Niels Bohr



Thursday, November 17, 2022

a play by Michael Frayn

To mark the 100th anniversary of Niels Bohr's Nobel Prize Award.

Professor Mark Walker PhD, Chair of the History Department at Union College, will join our discussion.

Professor Walker, "researches and publishes on twentieth-century science, including in particular science and technology under National Socialism, and comparisons of science and technology in different political, cultural, and ideological contexts. He teaches modern European history, with special emphasis on modern German history and the history of ideas, the history of science and technology, with special emphasis on nuclear history, human evolution, and the interaction of science and technology with politics and ideology, and “Big History,” from the origin of the Universe to the present."




Thursday,  December 15, 2022
via ZOOM

Public Astronomy Los Angeles Style
by David DeVorkin and E.C. Krupp




Beyond Weird: Why Everything You Thought You Knew about Quantum Physics Is Different
by Philip Ball

Thomas Harriot: A Life in Science
by Robyn Arianrhod

(Robyn Arianrhod joined the meeting via Zoom  to discuss her book)

America's First Great Eclipse: How Scientists, Tourists, and the Rocky Mountain Eclipse of 1878 Changed Astronomy 
by Steve Ruskin

(Steve Ruskin joined the meeting via Zoom to discuss his book)

Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth
by Avi Loeb

(Avi Loeb joined the meeting via Zoom to discuss his book)

E=mc2:  A Biography of the World’s Most Famous Equation
by David Bodanis

The Sun's Heartbeat
By  Bob Berman

The Wright Brothers
by David McCullough

(Nick Engler, Director of the Wright Brothers Aeroplane Co., joined us to discuss everything Wright Brothers including building and flying replicas of Wright Flyer airplanes)

The Hunt for Vulcan: . . . And How Albert Einstein Destroyed a Planet, Discovered Relativity, and Deciphered the Universe
by Thomas Levenson

(Thomas Levenson joined the meeting via Zoom to discuss his book)

The Three-Body Problem
by Cixin Liu

Miss Leavitt's Stars: The Untold Story of the Woman Who Discovered How to Measure the Universe
by George Johnson

(George Johnson joined the meeting via Zoom to discuss his book)

The Science of Shakespeare
by Brian Falk

(Brian Falk joined the meeting via Zoom to discuss his book)





Brother Astronomer
by Br. Guy Cosmolagno

(Br. Guy Cosmolagno joined the meeting over Skype to discuss his book)

Alvan Clark & Sons: Artists in Optics
by D.J. Warner

The Astronaut Wives Club
by Lily Koppel
The Space Barons: Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and the Quest to Colonize the Cosmos
by Christian Davenport

Catching Stardust: Comets, Asteroids and the Birth of the Solar System
by Natalie Starkey

(Natalie Starkey answered questions about her book over YouTube)

Handprints on Hubble: An Astronaut's Story of Invention
by Kathryn D. Sullivan




Brief Answers to the Big Questions
by Stephen Hawking
Isaac Newton
by James Gleick
Science and the Founding Fathers: Science in the Political Thought of Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and James Madison
by I. Bernard Cohen
Sally Ride: America’s First Woman in Space
by Lynn Sherr
Safely to Earth: The Men and Women Who Brought the Astronauts Home
by Jack Clemons

The Stargazer’s Sister, a novel
(about Caroline Herschel)
by Carrie Brown

(Carrie Brown joined by Skype)

(Caroline Herschel, aka historian/reenactor Lynn King, was at the meeting)

Moon Rush: The New Space Race
by Leonard David

(Leonard David joined the meeting over Skype to discuss his book)

Halley’s Quest
by Julie Wakefield
The Calculating Stars
by Mary Robinette Kowal
The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark
by Carl Sagan




Brilliant Blunders: From Darwin to Einstein - Colossal Mistakes by Great Scientists That Changed Our Understanding of Life and the Universe
by Mario Livio
Kepler's Witch
by James A. Connor
How I Killed Pluto and Why It Had It Coming
by Mike Brown
A Brief History of Time
by Stephen Hawking
The Quantum Labyrinth
by Paul Halpern.
The Right Stuff
by Tom Wolfe
Maria Mitchell: Life, Letters, and Journals
September / October
First Man
by James R. Hansen
The Martian
by Andy Weir




Hidden Figures
by Margot Lee Shetterly
The Glass Universe
by Dava Sobel
Beyond UFOs: The Search for Extraterrestrial Life and Its Astonishing Implications for Our Future
by Jeffrey Bennett
Galileo's Daughter
by Dava Sobel
Chasing Space
by Leland Melvin
The Universe in the Rearview Mirror
by Dave Goldberg
Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time
by Dava Sobel
Astrophysics for People in a Hurry
by Neil deGrasse Tyson
Sat, Jan 28, 2017

   Hello, everyone! Diana Metzger and I have been discussing starting a book club. I would like to invite any of you who are interested to join us. I suggested that we read a mix of non-fiction and (astronomy-related) fiction. We agreed on "Hidden Figures" as our first book. Amy Hornberger                                                                              


  Future Reads  
  John Carter of Mars Barsoom Series: A Princess of Mars
by Edgar Rice Burroughs
  An Astronomer in Love
by Antoine Laurain


David Rittenhouse: Philosopher-Mechanick
of Colonial Philadelphia and His Famous Clocks

by Donald L. Fennimore and Frank L. Hohmann


Planned read for 2026 to mark United States 250

  Lonely Hearts of the Cosmos: The Story of the Scientific Quest for the Secret of the Universe
by Dennis Overbye
  2025 Baer's Almanac and Gardener's Guide



A Scheme of Heaven
The History of Astrology and
the Search for our Destiny in Data
by Alexander Boxer




by Samantha Harvey  




Guests are welcome to all meetings!

If you have questions, want to join the book club,
or want a guest ZOOM pass to any of the meetings,
please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Hubble, DAS Book Club Mascot